Saturday, January 17, 2009

Every Morning I Wake Up Sad, Thinking of You.

Every morning I wake up.
The stupid sun just won't give up.
It's risen again, bringing me to another day without you.
My dreams have left me behind.
The ones where your heart is truly mine.
Morning has come.
And my sadness still hasn't gone.
The thought of your love.
The thought of my heart aching.
The thought that it's over.
I truly loved you, I hope you know.
You had my heart in its entirety.
Which is more than any other man can say.
I really loved you, and you pulled away.
You hurt me when you run.
I don't need my heart tugged around.
To guard my wounded heart, I run too.
But you don't chase me.
Or accept me when I come running back to you.
That one, that one is your fault.
I may be miserable without you,
and you without me.
But if this is how you think it should be,
I can live with that.
But don't you dare come running back.
After you've denied me every opportunity.
To take back what I did or said.
Unless you are in it for the long haul,
I don't want you or your stupid love.
The love that I miss so much.
The love that causes that morning sadness.
Every morning I wake up sad,
Thinking of you.

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