Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sept 26,2007

I want to be home.
I want to be with Christy. Becuse she cares about me. And she needs me right now. and I need her right now.I want a hug from my mom and my dad. and my little sisters. Because I miss them. And they care about me. I want to drive in my car, and listen to my music and just be envelloped in my loneliness. I want to cry.I want to feel motivated and energiezed to do my homework. I want a hug from somebody that will not let go after a prescribed amount of time. I want someone to listen to me. and hear what I have to say. I want someone to notice that I am unhappy and stressed...and to care that I am unhappy and stressed. I want someone to help me figure my life out. To help me figure out this jigsaw puzzle of life. Help me flip the pieces over and find all the edge pieces. IF they can get me at least that far... I can figure the rest out. I want to be cradled in my mother's lap where I can just cry. And cry. And she will soothe me. and tell me everything will be ok. because it will be. but somehow it always seems so much more real when your mother says it to you.

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