Sunday, January 28, 2007

Paper Cut-outs
Fall 2005

Yes, I cut out every single one of those pieces with an exacto knife and put it together like a puzzle with rubber cement. Actually, I layered the different shades of gray, but you get the point. This is one of the favorite projects we did, and if you know anything about me then you'll know why. I love to do puzzles. And for some reason I'm pretty good at them, and always have been. I don't know why I like them so much, or why they are so easy for me. Sometimes I think it has something to do with my artistically inclined mind, but I know other artists that can't do a puzzle worth jack. I love shapes, and looking at negative space and the relationships between positive and negative space..... That must be it.

1 comment:

Adam Borg said...

I really like this one Tiffers. I was thinking how what the mom does during the pregnancy effects things with the child. Maybe mom did alot of puzzles when she was pregnant with you passing on the super human trait of doing puzzles fast.



Who, Me?
