Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oil on Hot Press Illustration Board
Spring 2006
This was one of my first oil paintings ever. I absolutely love the media, but it dries a lot slower, which was both a good thing, and a bad thing. It's good because you can go back over it the next day and rework areas that need to be reworked, but painting with oils is the ultimate anti-procrastination tool...EVER. It's better than any form of self-discipline, because you HAVE to plan ahead, or there is no way on earth that it will be dry by the deadline. I gave this piece 3 days to dry (I had used a quick-dry medium) and it was BARELY dry enough to mail off on the deadline. PHEW, right? Deffinitely.

1 comment:

Adam Borg said...

I really like your colors on this one.



Who, Me?
