Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Leaving You Behind"

"Leaving You Behind"
Colored Pencil 10"x15 "
Spring 2006

I did this drawing about a year ago, at a time in my life where all I wanted was to leave him behind. To just walk away and never look back. A year later, I've come a long way, and at the same time, not very far at all. I've never wished that things happened differently between us, or even wished that he would magically want me back. Mostly it was just a hope that one day I would be able to feel that way again, whether for him or for someone else. He has plagued my thoughts and my dreams, no matter what I do I can't just walk away and forget about him. It's not even really about him, I think I just can't let go of my first love. It's way beyond over with him, and I've known that for a long, long time. That's not what it's about. It's about accepting the fact that yes, I loved, and yes, I will love again. It will sure take someone amazing, but I will love again.

1 comment:

Adam Borg said...

I like the mood that this sets, there is a feeling that is evoked here.



Who, Me?
