Sunday, January 28, 2007

"Plasticized Self-Portait"
Colored Pencil
This piece kind of just...evolved. I took a similar picture of myself in the car one day during lunch my senior year of high school. It was one of those days when I wore some crazy outfit to school and all the preppy kids looked at me funny. I loved getting those kinds of looks. Not because they looked at me funny, but because I wore what I felt like wearing, and didn't give a second thought to what anyone else would think. It is so liberating to do whatever the heck you want to do and honestly not even care what anyone else will think. I took that picture and photoshopped it to look like I was wrapped in plastic, kind of as an ironic twist. On a day when I was being 100% myself, to wrap myself in plastic as if I were a manufactured plastic toy, perfectly calculated to fit the widely accepted conformities of my high school. It isn't about being "unique" perse, but about doing what you want to do, because it's what you like, no matter what anyone says or thinks about your taste. It's your taste, not anyone else's. Realizing that set me free.

Paper Cut-outs
Fall 2005

Yes, I cut out every single one of those pieces with an exacto knife and put it together like a puzzle with rubber cement. Actually, I layered the different shades of gray, but you get the point. This is one of the favorite projects we did, and if you know anything about me then you'll know why. I love to do puzzles. And for some reason I'm pretty good at them, and always have been. I don't know why I like them so much, or why they are so easy for me. Sometimes I think it has something to do with my artistically inclined mind, but I know other artists that can't do a puzzle worth jack. I love shapes, and looking at negative space and the relationships between positive and negative space..... That must be it.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Leaving You Behind"

"Leaving You Behind"
Colored Pencil 10"x15 "
Spring 2006

I did this drawing about a year ago, at a time in my life where all I wanted was to leave him behind. To just walk away and never look back. A year later, I've come a long way, and at the same time, not very far at all. I've never wished that things happened differently between us, or even wished that he would magically want me back. Mostly it was just a hope that one day I would be able to feel that way again, whether for him or for someone else. He has plagued my thoughts and my dreams, no matter what I do I can't just walk away and forget about him. It's not even really about him, I think I just can't let go of my first love. It's way beyond over with him, and I've known that for a long, long time. That's not what it's about. It's about accepting the fact that yes, I loved, and yes, I will love again. It will sure take someone amazing, but I will love again.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oil on Hot Press Illustration Board
Spring 2006
This was one of my first oil paintings ever. I absolutely love the media, but it dries a lot slower, which was both a good thing, and a bad thing. It's good because you can go back over it the next day and rework areas that need to be reworked, but painting with oils is the ultimate anti-procrastination tool...EVER. It's better than any form of self-discipline, because you HAVE to plan ahead, or there is no way on earth that it will be dry by the deadline. I gave this piece 3 days to dry (I had used a quick-dry medium) and it was BARELY dry enough to mail off on the deadline. PHEW, right? Deffinitely.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Acrylic on Canvas
Spring 2006

This is a painting I did of my dear friend Katie! She's probably one of the strangest people I've ever met, but in a good way. This painting captures the essence of "Katie". She has some of the most innovative and creative ideas, so this unusual perspective suits her perfectly!



Who, Me?
