And the wisdom that we gain through our experiences just makes it that much more beautiful. To look back at how you felt, how you thought, what you thought was a beginning, and what you thought was an end. How foolish we feel when we look back at what we've done. The things we once valued above all else are perhaps miniscule matters to us now-- there are more important things to worry about. If only we hadn't wasted our time worrying about those trivial matters. But it's not like no one ever told me not to worry about such things, because they most certainly did. But did I listen? Do young people ever listen? Rarely, because some things you have to experience for yourself before you see the wisdom.
I have discovered the truth about life!
Or rather, I have finally accepted the truths that I've been taught my whole life.
Family is of utmost importance, and they take priority over all else. I spent too many years seeking for people, strangers, to love me unconditionally. Abandoning the only people who truly do love me (close friends included) in search of something better. If you're wondering, no, I never found what I was looking for. All I found was misery, heartache, and loneliness. And when I hit rock bottom, who was there to help me back to my feet? My family. They have always cared about me and have always had my best interest at heart, and I neglected them.
I did the same thing to my best friends. While out searching for something better, I left behind some true friends who waited patiently for me to come to my senses and return home to the people who really care.
Thanks for your patience and your love. You've been a great example to me and your love has shown me how I can be a better friend and a better family member. Without you, I would be lost and lonely.